Friday, October 31, 2008


Life, as I see it, is nothing but a bunch of choices!!!

Sounds weird?... Well think about it... Our life is a set of all kinds of events and happenings.... Some can be explained... Many have no logical explanation... We label those without explanations as "destiny"!!... Yet, on looking deep, those events too are a result of the choices made by us in the past.

Realizing that our life is nothing but our own choice helps a great deal in getting over this feeling of being victimized by people, situations and things in life... Only after realizing that my life now is how I chose it to be, I could stop complaining and take responsibility!... Responsibility, and not complain, gives you a chance to change whatever you do not want in your life.

I made a choice two years ago... of taking up the Art of Living course... It was the best choice I have ever made... It was the best gift I gave to myself... the gift of peace, joy and love!!... Like Guruji says "Happiness is a matter of choice"... How true!! :)

So, What's your choice?!!


1 comment:

In Search Of Myself said...

Very True...My thoughts exactly!!!

~ Ashwani